
A fascinating day in California’s Capitol (Sacramento) that includes a morning conversation with legislators and government officials, a legislative awards luncheon featuring a keynote speaker, a historical tour of the Capitol building, and afternoon legislative visits.


To advocate for issues related to Junior Leagues of California’s projects, mission and focus issues including: health, education, violence prevention, family support and human trafficking.


All league members are invited, including Provisionals and Sustainers. Consider inviting your community project partners, too! This is an excellent opportunity to engage with state elected officials who make decisions affecting our Junior League focus areas. Contact: california.spac@gmail.com


9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday, May 2, 2016


Please coordinate your transportation to and from Sacramento.


Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee (SPAC)


Please coordinate your transportation to and from Sacramento.

Quantity Price Name
online sales closed $45.00

Junior League of California Day at The Capitol

For more information, please contact california.spac@gmail.com